Benvenuti a Custonaci, un’esperienza unica tra natura, arte, storia, devozione e gastronomia!
Esplorate il borgo di Custonaci e lasciatevi trasportare dalla sua meraviglia. Con panorami senza tempo, il maestoso Monte Erice a sud e il suggestivo Monte Cofano a nord dominano la baia di Cornino. Il nostro santuario e le cave di marmo si ergono con maestosità, mentre il tramonto dipinge colori magici sul paesaggio, fonde rocce, vegetazione, ulivi e viti in un quadro indimenticabile.

The marbles of Custonaci, with their geological and economic significance, have adorned monumental works such as the Royal Palace of Caserta and St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, achieving worldwide fame. In the ‘Marble and Caves Museum,’ photographs and equipment used in the marble quarries of the 1950s come to life.

But it’s not just about marble; agriculture and livestock farming, alongside the thriving tourism sector with hotels, B&Bs, and hospitality facilities, contribute strength and vitality to Custonaci’s economy

Immerse yourself in the authentic flavors of Custonaci! The local cuisine welcomes you with its undisputed king, couscous, where sea bass, sea bream, and tuna are transformed into succulent roasts, delectable preparations, and perfect fried dishes.

Discover the gastronomic stars of this land, such as ‘pane cunzato’ and fine local meats, which tell the culinary passion of Custonaci. The rustic cuisine impresses with ricotta cassatelle in broth, roasted kid and lamb with the aromas of bay leaf and rosemary.

The desserts, like spince, ricotta cassatelle, and pignolata, delight the palate, offering a unique culinary experience between sea and countryside. All accompanied by good olive oil and excellent local wine. Savor the authenticity of Custonaci!

Custonaci is a Civitas Mariae, a place steeped in centuries-old Marian devotion. Explore the artistic soul of Custonaci through its Marian sanctuary and the Madonna of Custonaci, a 1521 image framed by angels and sheaves of wheat. The imposing sanctuary, with its Baroque tribune and works by artists like Pietro Cannamela, offers a profound experience of faith in the Parco Cerriolo, featuring a Via Crucis and marble stations.
The ‘Art and Faith’ Museum houses treasures from the 15th century, including the wooden shrine of the Madonna of Custonaci. Tradition indissolubly ties Custonaci to the Madonna, celebrated with the spectacular ‘Sbarco’. A sailing ship illuminates the bay with pyrotechnics, landing a replica of the painting. Faithful with torches devoutly accompany the image to the Sanctuary, reenacting the ancient event.
The presence of the Madonna extends throughout the territory, from the ‘Regina Pacis’ statue in Parco Cerriolo to the ‘Stella Maris’ at thirteen meters depth in the waters off the Monte Cofano Nature Reserve. Discover the magic of Custonaci and its eternal connection with art, faith, and Marian tradition..

Discover Custonaci, where history, nature, and archaeology intertwine. Nature manifests itself through the Monte Cofano Nature Reserve and the picturesque Monte Sparagio, offering spectacular landscapes.

The Monte Cofano Reserve is a true treasure chest, with enormous rocks extending to the sea in an enveloping silence. The ‘bagli,’ ancient fortified structures in the countryside, testify to the rich rural history. Custonaci preserves a historical and cultural heritage, from prehistoric caves to steles with anthropomorphic figures.

Visit the millennia-old caves, including the famous Grotta Mangiapane, transformed into a village in the 19th century and now a stage for traditions such as the Museum and the Living Nativity Scene. Custonaci unveils archaeological mysteries, like the oldest Islamic granary and two imposing monoliths, the Porta del Sole and the Cavallo del Sole, which mark the passage of time in harmony with solar alignment. Custonaci, a sort of Sicilian Stonehenge, ready to be discovered and valued..